Wonder work Pg 11 - 43
What was August's one wish that he wanted? If you could change one thing about your appearance what would it be? A normal face.
What do you think it means to be ordinary? What makes August extraordinary? He is born extraordinary because of his face.
How do people react when they see Auggie's face for the first time? How would you react? the people just look at him and look down.
August's dad said, "So sending him off to middle school like a lamb to the slaughter...." What does this mean? Explain. suicide mission
Would you send August to school if you were his mom or dad? Explain why or why not. Yas so he can learn and get a good job to get a new face.
What white lie did August's mum tell? Why did she do it? Are white lies ok to tell? she lies in August about the test of going to school
Auggie decided he liked Mrs Garcia ‐ when she wasn’t wearing her shiny smile. What is a 'shiny smile'? fake smile
How does Auggie know the first time he meets Julian that he will be a bully? What are some of the ways that Julian bullies Auggie? How does Auggie respond?
First Julian says inappropriate stuff hurting his feeling and then trips him over, but Auggie corrects his spelling.
Wonder work Pg 41 - 80
Star Wars is one of Auggie’s passions. Why do you think this is? Do you see any reasons for Auggie to identify with these characters, or to aspire to be like them? he grows up with Star Wars.
What questions did Julian ask August and why did August want to slide under the desk? Explain why Julian asked those questions? he asks the questions to hurt his feelings by is your favourite character dark Sidious. (dark Sidious: is a character in star wars)
Mr Browne’s September Precept was 'When given the choice between being right or being kind, choose kind'. Do you agree with this precept? Explain. Yes because if he chooses to be right he would not become a teacher.
In the chapter One to Ten, August is feeling mad with his mother but he's not sure why. Explain why you think he was mad? It because his mun lie to him.
August invited his whole class to his birthday party but not many kids came. Why do you think they didn't go? Because they are scared of him and his face.
August says he has an 'Aversion' to getting his picture taken. What is an aversion? Why does Auggie have an aversion to having his picture taken? because August is ugly.
Why does no one want to touch August? Because he is different from the others.
How do you think this makes him feel? Sad, Angry and mad
Did your opinion of Jack Will change after August overheard him talking to Julian? Explain. No, because I can see his true identity.
Do you think August will go back to school? Predict what will happen next? Yes because of his mun. they treat him the same as the last chapter.
Wonder work Pg 81 - 117
Explain how the point of view in part 2 is different from that in part 1? Do they match up? No, because part 1 is about August and part 2 is about Via.
In at least a paragraph, describe the challenges do you think Via might face being Auggie’s sister? she's alone
Via says “August is the Sun.” Explain what she means and why she feels this way? August got all of the attention from his parents.
Do you agree with Via that she and her parents have made a mistake by always trying to make August feel like he is normal? Is this a problem? Explain. yes, it a problem because of August need to grow up.
Why does Via go by Olivia at high school? How is Via finding the high school? She wants to be special.
What are the odds of Via having a child that looks like August? Do you think these are good odds? Explain. 50% because of it in the Wonder book.
Explore the character, Miranda? Why did she call August at the end of Part 2? Explain she miss Via.
Describe Via as a character? Do you empathize with her? yes because I know how some people get all of the attention.
What do you think will happen to August when he returns to school? the cheese touch.
Wonder can do tasks part 1
1. Contagious - spread from person to another
2. Exception - a person or thing that is excluded from a general statement
3. Recital - a performance of a programme of music by a soloist or small group.
4. Aversion - a strong dislike or disinclination.
5. Mortality - the state of being subject to death.
Treacher Collins Syndrome affects the eyes, the ears, the cheeks, and can create hypoplasia or undergrowth in each of those areas. It also affects the palate, sometimes resulting in a cleft palate, and a lower jaw, often creating a smaller than normal lower jaw. It can also affect some other parts of the body.
Wonder work Part 145 - 161
Summer isn't in the popular group at school, why is she invited to Savanna's party? because she got an invitation to Savanna's Halloween party.
How does Summer foster a relationship with Auggie, in what ways is it beneficial for them both? because she can make the lie more realistic.
Wonder can do tasks part 2
Fashionista - a designer
celestial - godlike
flabbergasted - surprise
meticulously - in a way that shows great attention to detail
illuminating - light up
transition - the process
Wonder can do tasks part 3
Morphed -
Artefact -
Wonder work part 165 - 220
Part 4 starts with the quote "Now here is my secret. It is very simple. It is only with one's heart that one can see clearly. What is essential is invisible to the eye." What does it mean? you can't read people but you can read the action.
What was Jack's initial reaction to Mr Tushman's request to show August around school? He knows who August.
What made Jack decide to say 'yes' to Mr Tushman’s request? because of his annoying mum.
Friendship can be difficult. How does Jack feel about him and August becoming Ex-friends?
How does he feel when he finds out why? Not seeing the truth.
How was Jack provoked to punch Julian in the face? Explain why you think this was the right/wrong thing to do? Julian talk bed stuff about August.
How did reading Jack's point of view change your perception of his character? it did not change my perception.
Predict how you think Auggie will react to the news that Jack punched Julian. What effect will it have own their friendship? Not being Ex-friend anymore.
Discuss the motivations for Julian's mum to photoshop August out of the class photo and it’s the message it sends to Julian. Julian's mum is a rude person.
What do you make of Mrs Albans' statement that August is handicapped? Do you think she was correct when she said it places too much of a burden on the kids to befriend August? No
Mrs Alban also thought that August shouldn't have been allowed into Beecher Prep. Do you agree or disagree? Explain. Disagree because of he, not a handicap.
How did Jack handle being frozen out by all the boys at Beecher Prep? he goes back to August.
Wonder work part 233 - 242
Why was Justin nervous when he was going to meet Olivia's parents? How did it show? How did it work out? He was shaking and sweating since it was his first time meeting Olivia's parents.
Why does Justin greet the different members of the family in four different ways? Explain each greeting. Because he needs to adapt to the environment.
In the bus stop chapter, Justin told Julian and his friends to leave Jack alone. Was this a good thing to do? Yes because Justin told jack to hold on.
In the chapter titled Bird, Via states that she is 'an awful person'. Why do you think she feels this way? Is she right? She is right because she doesn't want August to feel hurt.
In what ways is Part Five different from the other Parts in the book? Punctuation
Wonder work can do task part 4 and 5
Dissed - speak disrespectfully to or criticize.
Sarcastically - in an ironic way intended to mock or convey contempt.
Tics - a habitual spasmodic contraction of the muscles, most often in the face.
Immaculate - perfectly clean, neat, or tidy.
Monologue -a long speech by one actor in a play or film, or as part of a theatrical or broadcast programme.
theorems - a general proposition not self-evident but proved by a chain of reasoning; a truth established by means of accepted truths.
I think this song suits them because they have the same personality because they will be together forever and ever and ever.
Wonder work part six 245 - 274
Explain why August doesn't like school events that include parents? because he doesn't want the parents to see his face.
Maya left August a nice little note and August said, "Six months ago stuff like that would have never have happened, but now it happens more and more." Explain the change that is occurring? he like school now and now he has more friend.
Describe August's feeling about getting hearing aids. Were they justified? he doesn't want to wear it because of people will think he looks weird.
Why did Via keep her part in the play a secret from her parents? Why did Via's mum say the play wasn't something that August would be interested in?
August says, "I think there should be a rule that everyone in the world should get a standing ovation at least once in their lives.” Explain what this means and why he believes it. it a special thing that he recommends.
What effect did Daisys’ death have on the characters? characters become more honest.
Wonder work part seven 277 - 290
Why did Miranda claim ‘sickness’ before the play? because Miranda wants Via to be in the spotlight and what to regain a friendship
What was August's one wish that he wanted? If you could change one thing about your appearance what would it be? A normal face.
What do you think it means to be ordinary? What makes August extraordinary? He is born extraordinary because of his face.
How do people react when they see Auggie's face for the first time? How would you react? the people just look at him and look down.
August's dad said, "So sending him off to middle school like a lamb to the slaughter...." What does this mean? Explain. suicide mission
Would you send August to school if you were his mom or dad? Explain why or why not. Yas so he can learn and get a good job to get a new face.
What white lie did August's mum tell? Why did she do it? Are white lies ok to tell? she lies in August about the test of going to school
Auggie decided he liked Mrs Garcia ‐ when she wasn’t wearing her shiny smile. What is a 'shiny smile'? fake smile
How does Auggie know the first time he meets Julian that he will be a bully? What are some of the ways that Julian bullies Auggie? How does Auggie respond?
First Julian says inappropriate stuff hurting his feeling and then trips him over, but Auggie corrects his spelling.
Wonder work Pg 41 - 80
Star Wars is one of Auggie’s passions. Why do you think this is? Do you see any reasons for Auggie to identify with these characters, or to aspire to be like them? he grows up with Star Wars.
What questions did Julian ask August and why did August want to slide under the desk? Explain why Julian asked those questions? he asks the questions to hurt his feelings by is your favourite character dark Sidious. (dark Sidious: is a character in star wars)
Mr Browne’s September Precept was 'When given the choice between being right or being kind, choose kind'. Do you agree with this precept? Explain. Yes because if he chooses to be right he would not become a teacher.
In the chapter One to Ten, August is feeling mad with his mother but he's not sure why. Explain why you think he was mad? It because his mun lie to him.
August invited his whole class to his birthday party but not many kids came. Why do you think they didn't go? Because they are scared of him and his face.
August says he has an 'Aversion' to getting his picture taken. What is an aversion? Why does Auggie have an aversion to having his picture taken? because August is ugly.
Why does no one want to touch August? Because he is different from the others.
How do you think this makes him feel? Sad, Angry and mad
Did your opinion of Jack Will change after August overheard him talking to Julian? Explain. No, because I can see his true identity.
Do you think August will go back to school? Predict what will happen next? Yes because of his mun. they treat him the same as the last chapter.
Wonder work Pg 81 - 117
Explain how the point of view in part 2 is different from that in part 1? Do they match up? No, because part 1 is about August and part 2 is about Via.
In at least a paragraph, describe the challenges do you think Via might face being Auggie’s sister? she's alone
Via says “August is the Sun.” Explain what she means and why she feels this way? August got all of the attention from his parents.
Do you agree with Via that she and her parents have made a mistake by always trying to make August feel like he is normal? Is this a problem? Explain. yes, it a problem because of August need to grow up.
Why does Via go by Olivia at high school? How is Via finding the high school? She wants to be special.
What are the odds of Via having a child that looks like August? Do you think these are good odds? Explain. 50% because of it in the Wonder book.
Explore the character, Miranda? Why did she call August at the end of Part 2? Explain she miss Via.
Describe Via as a character? Do you empathize with her? yes because I know how some people get all of the attention.
What do you think will happen to August when he returns to school? the cheese touch.
Wonder can do tasks part 1
1. Contagious - spread from person to another
2. Exception - a person or thing that is excluded from a general statement
3. Recital - a performance of a programme of music by a soloist or small group.
4. Aversion - a strong dislike or disinclination.
5. Mortality - the state of being subject to death.
Treacher Collins Syndrome affects the eyes, the ears, the cheeks, and can create hypoplasia or undergrowth in each of those areas. It also affects the palate, sometimes resulting in a cleft palate, and a lower jaw, often creating a smaller than normal lower jaw. It can also affect some other parts of the body.
Wonder work Part 145 - 161
Summer isn't in the popular group at school, why is she invited to Savanna's party? because she got an invitation to Savanna's Halloween party.
How does Summer foster a relationship with Auggie, in what ways is it beneficial for them both? because she can make the lie more realistic.
Wonder can do tasks part 2
Fashionista - a designer
celestial - godlike
flabbergasted - surprise
meticulously - in a way that shows great attention to detail
illuminating - light up
transition - the process
Wonder can do tasks part 3
Morphed -
Artefact -
Wonder work part 165 - 220
Part 4 starts with the quote "Now here is my secret. It is very simple. It is only with one's heart that one can see clearly. What is essential is invisible to the eye." What does it mean? you can't read people but you can read the action.
What was Jack's initial reaction to Mr Tushman's request to show August around school? He knows who August.
What made Jack decide to say 'yes' to Mr Tushman’s request? because of his annoying mum.
Friendship can be difficult. How does Jack feel about him and August becoming Ex-friends?
How does he feel when he finds out why? Not seeing the truth.
How was Jack provoked to punch Julian in the face? Explain why you think this was the right/wrong thing to do? Julian talk bed stuff about August.
How did reading Jack's point of view change your perception of his character? it did not change my perception.
Predict how you think Auggie will react to the news that Jack punched Julian. What effect will it have own their friendship? Not being Ex-friend anymore.
Discuss the motivations for Julian's mum to photoshop August out of the class photo and it’s the message it sends to Julian. Julian's mum is a rude person.
What do you make of Mrs Albans' statement that August is handicapped? Do you think she was correct when she said it places too much of a burden on the kids to befriend August? No
Mrs Alban also thought that August shouldn't have been allowed into Beecher Prep. Do you agree or disagree? Explain. Disagree because of he, not a handicap.
How did Jack handle being frozen out by all the boys at Beecher Prep? he goes back to August.
Wonder work part 233 - 242
Why was Justin nervous when he was going to meet Olivia's parents? How did it show? How did it work out? He was shaking and sweating since it was his first time meeting Olivia's parents.
Why does Justin greet the different members of the family in four different ways? Explain each greeting. Because he needs to adapt to the environment.
In the bus stop chapter, Justin told Julian and his friends to leave Jack alone. Was this a good thing to do? Yes because Justin told jack to hold on.
In the chapter titled Bird, Via states that she is 'an awful person'. Why do you think she feels this way? Is she right? She is right because she doesn't want August to feel hurt.
In what ways is Part Five different from the other Parts in the book? Punctuation
Wonder work can do task part 4 and 5
Dissed - speak disrespectfully to or criticize.
Sarcastically - in an ironic way intended to mock or convey contempt.
Tics - a habitual spasmodic contraction of the muscles, most often in the face.
Immaculate - perfectly clean, neat, or tidy.
Monologue -a long speech by one actor in a play or film, or as part of a theatrical or broadcast programme.
theorems - a general proposition not self-evident but proved by a chain of reasoning; a truth established by means of accepted truths.
I think this song suits them because they have the same personality because they will be together forever and ever and ever.
Wonder work part six 245 - 274
Explain why August doesn't like school events that include parents? because he doesn't want the parents to see his face.
Maya left August a nice little note and August said, "Six months ago stuff like that would have never have happened, but now it happens more and more." Explain the change that is occurring? he like school now and now he has more friend.
Describe August's feeling about getting hearing aids. Were they justified? he doesn't want to wear it because of people will think he looks weird.
Why did Via keep her part in the play a secret from her parents? Why did Via's mum say the play wasn't something that August would be interested in?
August says, "I think there should be a rule that everyone in the world should get a standing ovation at least once in their lives.” Explain what this means and why he believes it. it a special thing that he recommends.
What effect did Daisys’ death have on the characters? characters become more honest.
Wonder work part seven 277 - 290
Why did Miranda claim ‘sickness’ before the play? because Miranda wants Via to be in the spotlight and what to regain a friendship
After reading Miranda's, how did your perception of her change and why? umm..my perspective did not change because they were childhood friends.
Wonder work part Eight 293 - 362
Explain August’s fears of going on school retreat/camp, were they justified? Because he cried when he went to his best friend.
Compare Eddie and Julian. How are they similar/ different. How do their interactions with August reveal their character?
Eddie is a bully that will say anything to august face and make him sad Julian goes behind his back.
Explain how August's relationship with his classmates has changed since he first started going to Beecher Prep, give explains? Everyone knows him better and talks to him.
Describe how August has shown greatness during his year at Beecher Prep? Do you think he deserves the medal? Why? He did not react to anything the bullies said and keep calm.
Compare the character of Auggie at the beginning of the book and in the final chapters. How has he changed and what has contributed to this change? Auggie at the start was very don't like to go to school but now he meets a lot of friends and he like to school.
Describe your favourite character in the story. Explain their impact on the story and why you picked them. Miranda, I picked Miranda because she moves on from her depressing family.
This story explores the themes of Friendship, Betrayal, Overcoming Challenges, Bullying and Family Relationships. Create a brainstorm web for each of these themes that shows what the story has told for each theme.
What do you think Auggie's future holds? What do you think will happen in his life? Auggie would become a scientists
Wonder work part Eight 293 - 362
Explain August’s fears of going on school retreat/camp, were they justified? Because he cried when he went to his best friend.
Compare Eddie and Julian. How are they similar/ different. How do their interactions with August reveal their character?
Eddie is a bully that will say anything to august face and make him sad Julian goes behind his back.
Explain how August's relationship with his classmates has changed since he first started going to Beecher Prep, give explains? Everyone knows him better and talks to him.
Describe how August has shown greatness during his year at Beecher Prep? Do you think he deserves the medal? Why? He did not react to anything the bullies said and keep calm.
Compare the character of Auggie at the beginning of the book and in the final chapters. How has he changed and what has contributed to this change? Auggie at the start was very don't like to go to school but now he meets a lot of friends and he like to school.
Describe your favourite character in the story. Explain their impact on the story and why you picked them. Miranda, I picked Miranda because she moves on from her depressing family.
This story explores the themes of Friendship, Betrayal, Overcoming Challenges, Bullying and Family Relationships. Create a brainstorm web for each of these themes that shows what the story has told for each theme.
What do you think Auggie's future holds? What do you think will happen in his life? Auggie would become a scientists
What am I learning? I learn how to make a Venn diagram.
How does this work show my learning? The Venn diagram helps me to remember what happened in the book and the film.
What am I wondering? Nothing
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