
Monday 29 April 2019

Another World - English

The Willow Maid by Erutan could be connected to human taking whatever they want.

Disney’s Tarzan helped me to understand other people worlds.

Nickelodeon’s Avatar: The Great Divide help me to understand about human raise.

Barriers by Hinewirangi helped me to understand how important it is to say the person name right.  

The Seahorse and the Reef by Witi Ihimaera helped me to understand how human is destroyed the environment.

Butterflies by Patricia Grace helped me to understand how important it is to understand people perspective.

CW’s Supergirl, Welcome to Earth helped me to understand that you should not judge a book by its cover.

Nickelodeon’s Avatar: The Waterbending Master helped me to understand other people culture and how they’re world work.

Disney’s Zootopia helped me to understand trying new thing is good and sometimes trying new thing can scar you for your life.

Ryan Murphy’s Glee, Never Been Kissed helped me to understand that some people just don’t want to be themselves because people are scared of what society sees them as.

Friday 5 April 2019

My Zootopia writing

Introduction: Messages and Idea in Zootopia in
Judy and Nick, In the beginning, Judy talks about
how pray and predator evolve to live together in Zootopia.
Judy also says you can be anything you want in Zootopia but
nick destroyed her fantasy believe and said: “that you can’t be
what you want you can only be what you are”. Judy keep trying
to prove nick was wrong about what he said to her but she ends
up in concrete than Nick said, you will always be a “Dumb

Judy went back to her apartment her legs covered in concrete
feeling depressed. After that, her parent calls her they were
glad that she did not do a dangerous job that made Judy feel
more depressed. Judy wakes up to a new day and went back to
nick to ask him to help to find Mr Otterton but Nick refused to
help so Judy forced him by making him eat his own word.
Now we know not to mass with a person that knows your
background I know this because Judy is a resilient person and
she never gives up she' been doing this for all than a year.

Now Nick has to help Judy to find the number plate by taking
Judy to a sloth. Nick said he is the fastest his name is flash and
when Judy saw that they are all sloths she criticized that
because they are all slow. Nick made her eat her own word
by saying that anyone can be anything by now they are just
playing cat and mouse game. Nick is trying to slow Judy down.
As the story goes on they started to work together Judy saves
Nick from the black jaguar and Nick saves Judy from chief Bogo
like a princess and prince saving each other ass.  

Judy and Nick end up catching the lion and rescuing the
14 mammals. Now she has explained why the predator i
s going savage. Nick told her to breathe. She ends up telling
the whole thing to the reporter then Judy runs back to Nick.
Nick was disappointed and upset that predator is going savage
because of their biology. When Judy run back to Nick what she
said about the predator because she is making a great panic
between predator and prays. I don’t get Judy, Nick shared his
emotional past I thought she get it by not making a great panic
between the predator and pray and so Nick left Judy. As the
story goes on Judy retires from being a police officer because
she made Zootopia worse. Then she went back to her hometown
and find out that night howlers are the flower and it making
the predator go savage. So she went back to Zootopia to find
Nick for his help and she said she was a bad friend and you can
hate me because I’m just a dumb bunny. So the story goes on
they find the new president to behind the predator going savage
so they put the new president in jail.


Never betrayed someone that help you. Judy was so blinded
about the 14 mammals that she betrayed Nick. Never do what
Judy did to Nick because if you betrayed someone that help
you when you another problem you don’t know how to solve
that person that helps you is not there. You can’t rely on the
people that you just save because if they see you becoming weak
they would feel unsafe. Judy went back to Nick realising that
she is just a dumb bunny. I learn that never betrayed someone
that help you and accepting who you are. I wonder should you
be an idiot that see the world as rainbow and unicorn or an
intelligent person that see the world as a depressing and sad

Thursday 4 April 2019

Do Vampires really exist? Myth, fake new, or is there really some truth to sucking blood?

The origin of Vampires and Folklore.

This is a brief history of Vampires. Vampires are nearly as old as humans. Vampires appear in cultures extending as far back as prehistoric times. But they weren't called vampires back then and most of us did not look the way we imagine vampires today. For example, the Mesopotamian Lamashtu was a creature with the head of a lion and a body of a donkey and the ancient Greek Striges as were simply described as bloodthirsty birds. Other were even stranger. The Philippine Manananggal would sever her upper torso and sprout huge bat-like wing to fly. The Malaysian Penangggaln was a flying female head with dangling entrails and the Australian Yara-ma-yha-who was a little red guy with a big head, a large mouth, and bloodsuckers on his hands and feet to name an example. Though they may look different all of these have one common characteristic they sustain themselves by consuming the life force of a living creature. This shared trait is what defines a vampire. Our modern idea emerges in the 18th century Eastern Europe. With the dramatic increase of vampires superstitions, stories of the bloodsucking, shadowy creature become nightly bedside terrors. And popular folklore, like the Moroi among the Romani people and the Lugat in Albania, provide the most common vampire traits know today, such as vampire being undead, nocturnal and shapeshifting. Eastern Europe in the 18th century was a pretty grim place with many deaths occurring from unknown disease and plagues. Without medical explanation, people searched for supernatural causes and found what looked like evidence in the corpses of the victims. When villager dug up bodies to discern the cause of the mysterious deaths, they would often find the cadavers looking very much alive longer hair and fingernails, bloated bellies, and blood at the corners of mouths. the people think they are vampires but that was actually normal symptoms of death. When a body decomposes, the skin dehydrates, causing the hair and fingernails to extend. Bacteria in the stomach creates gases that full the belly, which forces out blood and matter through to the mouth. The vampire doesn't exist but is there really some truth to sucking blood in the real world.

The animal that sucks blood   

Leech: Most people avoid these bloodsucking worms, leeches have long been used in the world of medicine. Into the 19th century, leeches were used to treat such conditions as mental illness, tumours, skin disease, gout, and whooping cough. While those treatments are now discontinued, leeches have found new and proven uses in modern medicine. Most notably, leeches are used to restore blood flow to damaged veins after an appendage is reattached or a tissue grafted. 

Vampire bat: This type of bat, of which there are three species, is the only known mammal whose diet is solely based on blood. Although livestock, birds, and reptiles are its typical targets, humans are occasionally its prey. Vampire bats which must feed at least every two days use razor-sharp teeth to make tiny incisions in their victims and then lick the flowing blood. The satiated bats will often regurgitate blood to share with those who are hungry. 

Why do some animal suck blood?
This behaviour is called Hematophagy from the Greek word haima meaning blood and phagein meaning to eat. Animal evolved this because blood is rich nutritious protein and lipids that can be taken without great effort.