Tuesday, 27 February 2018
Friday, 23 February 2018
3 thing I learn
1. I learn how to cook
2. I learn the health and safety of the kitchen
3. I learn where the equipment is
1. What is bacteria? one cell organism
2. what do bacteria need to survive?foods, oxygen, moisture, time, temperature, Ph levels
3. Give 3 examples of how we avoid spreading bacteria?washing hands, preserving yourself, wash your body.
4. What does the term cross-contamination mean and what is it's effect on you? moving bacteria
1. I learn how to cook
2. I learn the health and safety of the kitchen
3. I learn where the equipment is
1. What is bacteria? one cell organism
2. what do bacteria need to survive?foods, oxygen, moisture, time, temperature, Ph levels
3. Give 3 examples of how we avoid spreading bacteria?washing hands, preserving yourself, wash your body.
4. What does the term cross-contamination mean and what is it's effect on you? moving bacteria
Thursday, 15 February 2018
The Merchant Of Venice
Antonio is depressed without knowing why? he worries about this ship.
Do you think Graziano's contributions help Antonin mood? No, because he made Antonio worry more.
what are your first impressions of Bassanio?he in love and depressed.
Is he in love? yes, Bassanio is in love with Portia.why does he need to borrow money again now? To impressed Portia.
how do Portia first words compare with Antonio's?they are depressed.
what is the reason for her mood? her dad dies and she has to marry a man but nun of they is her tastes.
Do you think Nerissa is a help to her? a litter but no much Nerissa is asking questions.
sum up, in a word or a short phrase, Portia attitude to her suitor so far? They suck and she does not like them.
Act one, Scene three
1. Shylock is a moneylender. Does he seem eager to do business with Bassanio? How do you know? maybe, because he's wearing a fake smile.
2. Which does shylock think is safe, his business or Antonio. Antonio, because he I don't have to give Antonio a pound of flesh.
3. Why doesn't Shylock want to dine with Bassanio and Antonio? because of his religion, his Jewish and he can't pig.
4. What strict principal of his is Antonio breaking to help Bassanio?he is giving him a pound of flesh
5. Shylock tells a bible story to prove that the taking of profit is blessed, as long as thieving is not involved. does he convince Antonio? give evidence. Giving a profit is bad, that's why Antonio is bullying Shylock.
6. Shylock accuses Antonio of a whole catalogue of nastiness.
7. How does Bassanio react to proposed bond? Bassanio is worry about Antonio.
Act two, Scene one
1. We have watched racial and religious tension at work in A1S3. The prince of Morocco opens A2S1 with another sensitive issue. what is it? People judge him by his colour and he said don't judge me by my colour my blood is the same as body else.
2. If Antonio loses his gamble, he must forfeit a pound of flesh. What must Portia's suitor give up if they fail to win her? Antonio is going to pay shylock money or a pound of flesh.
3. Shylock practices usury. What is this? the action or practice of lending money unreasonably.
4. why do shylock and Antonio hate each other? religion shylock is Jewish and Antonio crisis.
5. What is Portia's opinion of the prince of Morocco give examples? Nothing, because she can't choose him if she wanted.
Act two Scene two
1. Why does Launcelot want to leave Shylock? Give evidence from the text to support your thinking. because Shylock treats Launcelot poorly evidence: Certainly, the Jew is the very devil himself.
2. Why is Bassanio worried about taking Gratiano with him to Belmont? Graziano got drunk and ruin Bassanio reputation.
3. Launcelot and his father are very anxious to find Launcelot a new job. They both want to impress Bassanio. This leads to a. frequent interruptions.
b. contradictions
c. misuse of words to impress.
Find examples of each of these in the text. The old proverb is very well parted between quote my master shylock and you sir you have the grace of god sir and he hath enough.
Act Two Scene Three
1. What does Jessica think of her life at home? Give evidence from the text to support your thinking. She thinks is boring.
quote, I am sorry thou wilt leave my father so our house is hell and thou a merry devil didst rob it of some taste of tediousness.
2. Which of Bassanio’s friends is Jessica planning to marry? Launcelot
Act Two, Scene Four
3. How does Jessica get a message to her lover? leonardo give the message to Launcelot
4. How will she be disguised for the elopement? she dressed up as a man
Act Two, Scene Five
5. Why is Shylock uneasy about going out for the evening? Give evidence from the text to support your thinking. because Jessica will run away.
Act Two, Scene Six
How does Launcelot manage to tell Jessica that Lorenzo will be there that evening? because Lorenzo said where to meet him (quote This is the penthouse under which Lorenzo desired us to make stand)
What does Jessica throw down to Lorenzo?No(quote I'm glad it night, you do not look me for I am much ashamed of my exchange)
Why is Antonio looking for Gratiano?because his friend are waiting for him.
Act Two Discussion Questions:
In A2S2, Launcelot deceives his father. In A2S6, Jessica deceives hers, What does each of them hope to achieve? to be free
In A2S5 Lines 11-18 & 28-39. In both speeches, Shylock is speaking to his daughter, Jessica. What is his attitude to her? Give supporting examples from the text.
Bossy and Overprotected
Quote: I am bid forth to supper, Jessica.
There are my keys.—But wherefore should I go?
I am not bid for love. They flatter me.
In A2S5 Lines 11-18 & 28-39. What do Launcelot and the audience know, that Shylock does not? How does this show dramatic irony? Jessica is running away
Act Two, Scene Seven
Which casket does the Prince of Morocco think is worthy to contain Portia’s portrait. Use evidence of the text to justify your answer. the gold one (Quote: A coin that bears the figure of an angel, stamped in gold, but that’s inscribed upon.
But here an angel in a golden bed. Lies all within. Deliver me the key.
Here do I choose, and thrive I as I may!)
How is Portia feeling in A2S7 -at the beginning, -while the Prince is making his choice, at the end. She feels nervous at the beginning but at the end.
- to marry the prince of Morocco. she is so relieved that she does not have
Act Two, Scene Eight
What double disaster has struck Shylock? Jessica has run away with Lorenzo and Jessica took Shylocks money with her.
Where did Shylock think Lorenzo & Jessica might be? In the gondola.
How did Bassanio and Antonio part? They talked and they shook hands and then parted.
What is the first suggestion of trouble for Antonio? Find a quote that tells you this. A ship with treasure has been wrecked in the English channel.
(Quote: I spoke with a Frenchman yesterday who said that a Venetian ship loaded with the treasure was wrecked in the English Channel.
I thought about Antonio when he told me. I silently hoped it wasn’t his ship.
Act Two, Scene Nine
What is the purpose of the rhymes in the caskets? to pass the test and married
Why does the Prince of Aragon discard the golden caskets? What does his interpretation of the inscription tell us about his character? he thinks he doesn't deserve.
What is Portia’s reaction to Bassanio’s arrival? don't care
Act Three, Scene One
Why does Shylock assume Solanio and Salerio know of Jessica’s flight? because they are the best friend
What is the second suggestion of misfortune for Antonio- find a quote. quote: Why, yet it lives there unchecked that Antonio hath a ship of rich lading wrecked on the narrow seas
Who has been looking for Lorenzo and Jessica, how do we know? shylock because he looking for Jessica
Where do Shylock and Tubal arrange to meet and with what purpose? Synagogue
Act Three, Scene two
What is Portia’s reaction to Bassanio’s arrival? don't care
Act Three, Scene One
Why does Shylock assume Solanio and Salerio know of Jessica’s flight? because they are the best friend
What is the second suggestion of misfortune for Antonio- find a quote. quote: Why, yet it lives there unchecked that Antonio hath a ship of rich lading wrecked on the narrow seas
Who has been looking for Lorenzo and Jessica, how do we know? shylock because he looking for Jessica
Where do Shylock and Tubal arrange to meet and with what purpose? Synagogue
Act Three, Scene two
- Why does Portia want Bassanio to delay his choice? because she wanted to spend time with Bassanio and she doesn't want him to lose.
- What makes Bassanio choose lead over the silver and gold caskets? find the quotes in the text to support your thinking. gold is shiny, silver is too common, lead is not too shiny and it not too common.
- What does Portia’s speech A3S2 L166-174 reveal about the expected roles of a woman in marriage? she is saying that if you win the test I'm all your but just because I'm a woman I'm not stupid.
- What did Gratiano’s and Nerissa’s wish to marry depend on? the money
- How does Portia know that the letter contains bad news? because of Bassanio face.
- What help does Portia offer straightaway? money
- Why do we not expect this help to be successful? because of Bassanio past the payday.
- Do you think Portia would still be in love with Bassanio if she knew he had lied about his wealth? yes because she had fallen in love with him.
Act three, Scene three
- Antonio is now convinced that he knows the reason for Shylock’s insistence on claiming his bond. What is it, use a quote from the text to support your answer. Antonio pound of flesh. Quote: I’ll have my bond. Speak not against my bond.I have sworn an oath that I will have my bond.Thou calledst me dog before thou hadst a cause.But since I am a dog, beware my fangs.
- Why can the Duke not ‘deny the course of law’ according to Antonio? because Bassanio is supposed to pay the money 3 months ago and Antonio don't have the money so he has to give shylock a pound of flesh.
- What does Antonio seem resigned to his fate? What two important realizations is this based on? Use lines 8, 21-24, 26-31 to help you. Antonio can't do much because he would be bending the law which will cause fights.
- Do you think Antonio’s feelings towards Bassanio have changed since the beginning, why?yes as Quote: Pray God Bassanio come To see me pay his debt, and then I care not.
- Shylock refuses to consider the idea of Mercy but demands Justice. Consider the following ideas:
- Is mercy the same as forgiveness?
- Is it easier to show mercy or look for revenge?
- Is justice the same as fairness?
- Is true justice possible in this case?
Act Three, Scene Four
- What is Lorenzo’s opinion of Antonio? worrying
- What does Portia tell Lorenzo she intends to do? doubling the money
- What does she ask Lorenzo and Jessica to do for her and why? take charge of Portia house.
- Why does Portia think Antonio and Bassanio must be alike? because is Bassanio best friend.
- Why do Portia and Nerissa intend to travel dressed as men? So people would believe in Portia and Nerissa.
- In A3S4 L 60-78, how does Portia describe the behavior and attitudes of young men? they bragged about stuff.
- Does it seem likely that Portia is going to follow the expected behavior of a wife? No
Act Three, Scene Five
- In his jokey conversation with Jessica, why is Launcelot against the conversion of Jews to Christianity?
- What is Jessica’s opinion of Portia?
Act 4 scene 1
- What does the Duke believe Shylock intends to do? showing mercy
- What does Shylock intend to do, and what reasons does he give for his decision? killing Antonio because feel like it.
- Why must the law be allowed to stand (why can’t the judge dismiss this case)because of Bassanio is paying a lot of money.
- Shylock is very clear about the restrictions in the wording of the deed, how does Portia use these loopholes? the contract says that Antonio doesn't have to bleed.
- What penalties does Shylock now have to pay? Are they fair? Why/why not. Shy have to become Christian and leaves all this property to his son in law and his daughter when he dies.
- How do Lorenzo and Jessica gain the result? shylock have to leave all his property to Lorenzo and Jessica.
- What reward has Portia claimed and why is this significant? Bassanio ring because Portia talks him to not give the ring to no one.
- Portia tells Shylock ‘The quality of mercy is not strained’. How does she try to persuade Shylock to show mercy, how much mercy is she willing to show him (line 345-362)she showing him no mercy because Shylock tries to kill Antonio with no mercy.
- A4S1 L 70-80. Antonio gives us three short images of how useless any attempt by Bassanio to save his life will be
- What are they? ask the ocean to get smaller, You might as well ask a wolf why he killed the lamb and made its mother cry.
- What do they tell us about one of Shakespeare's interests? the Christian Bible
- Do you think this is an effective way of demonstrating the problem?
- Each example is an extreme and impossible, what influence does this have on how you expect the rest of the scene to develop.
- A4S1 L90-100, Shylock uses vivid comparisons when he wants to make a point.
- What example does he use to illustrate the fact that the pound of flesh is his: ‘tis mine and I will have it’
- It is much longer comparison than the three used by Antonio but does you think it is more striking/effective/convincing?
Act 5 Scene one
- Why do Lorenzo and Jessica remind each of the stories of classical lovers? In such a night Stood Dido with a willow in her hand upon the
- What are Portia's feelings as she approaches the house?
- What is the first argument to break out? the ring argument
- How do Gratiano and Bassanio try to justify parting with the rings, are they successful? No, because Portia has the ring.
- Was Bassanio right to give away the ring, give reasons for your thinking? NO, because Portia is going to be a bitch about it.
- How can the newly-weds threaten to sleep with the men who took their rings- and mean it?
- What effect do these arguments have on Antonio?
- Portia and Nerissa have the rings. What does this prove to Antonio, Gratiano, and Bassanio?
- How do Antonio, Lore, zo, and Jessica benefit from news that Portia brings?
Friday, 9 February 2018
Live Performance
1. what does live performance mean? it art
2. what could go wrong in a live performance? No one shows up and Technology failure
3. what did you like about this performance? the dance performance and the Music
The Phantom of the opera
Synopsis: the Phantom of the opera is a musical with music by Andrew Lloyd Webber and lyrics by Charles Hart and Richard Stilgoe. Lloyd Webber and Stilgoe also wrote the musical's book together.
1.I like the music
2.I like the love story
1. what does live performance mean? it art
2. what could go wrong in a live performance? No one shows up and Technology failure
3. what did you like about this performance? the dance performance and the Music
The Phantom of the opera
Synopsis: the Phantom of the opera is a musical with music by Andrew Lloyd Webber and lyrics by Charles Hart and Richard Stilgoe. Lloyd Webber and Stilgoe also wrote the musical's book together.
1.I like the music
2.I like the love story
Thursday, 8 February 2018
The heart and the bottle
Today I read the book call the heart and the bottle it's about a girl that has a wild imagination. She is full of curiosity. She wanted to go and explore. Her dad died and she think that only her dad is the one person in the world who she can share with.

What happens in this book-think beyond just the words, what is explained in the pictures.
simple community is key
Who would you recommended this book and why?
A boring person because they think it a waste of time to share stuff with people.
How is 'Curiosity' recommend in this story.
To me curiosity is a desire to eat, to fall in love and to learn to know without it your nothing more than a boring person.

What happens in this book-think beyond just the words, what is explained in the pictures.
simple community is key
Who would you recommended this book and why?
A boring person because they think it a waste of time to share stuff with people.
How is 'Curiosity' recommend in this story.
To me curiosity is a desire to eat, to fall in love and to learn to know without it your nothing more than a boring person.
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